M-F: de 09:30 - 14:00 +34 943442806

Service Details

Photo, Audio & Video

Electroprecio is the ally that understands and advises on the choice of sound, photo or video equipment that suits your needs!

Photo and Video | Electroprecio Group

We are experts in Audio, Photo & Video

Technology experts ready to help you with your Audiovisual needs.

  • Compact speakers
  • Sound towers
  • Sports headphones
  • Reflex cameras
  • Latest generation camcorders

Solutions for all situations and environments

In today’s digital world, audio and video are more important than ever. People are consuming more content than ever before and doing so on a wide variety of devices.

That’s why electroprecio has been helping end consumers stay connected to the people and world around them for over 20 years.

Our Sound experts advise users to find the right sound system for their desired home entertainment. We can provide solutions for all situations and environments, thanks to the wide selection of speakers, home cinema systems, sound bars, Bluetooth speakers.

We also advise amateur and professional users to find the best option among our wide range of cameras.




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